Black Opal for Educators

Bring world-class interactivity and visualizations to your quantum curriculum

The best interactive platform for quantum education

Get everything you need to build an introductory quantum course in one place or augment your existing quantum education initiatives with interactive self-paced learning.

Assemble a course from pre-packaged modules to move fast

Black Opal offers over 400 lessons across 10 modules. Follow the pre-built learning journey or pick and choose to craft the perfect educational pathway using the best content available.


So you’ve heard of quantum technology and how it’s going to revolutionize, well, everything. How do we know that and how does it work?

What is quantum computing?


(5 topics)

How do quantum computers work?

Will quantum computers break the internet?

How to build a quantum computer

Analogy toolbox


This skill introduces the superposition principle. You'll gain insight into where this principle comes from, why it is necessary, and what you can do with it.

What is quantum computing?


(5 topics)

Superposition in a jump rope

Superposition in the quantum world

Superposition in the abstract

Superposition in quantum computing


Start with some fundamentals in how we represent information and by the end of this skill you'll understand how we can encode and process information using quantum physics!


(5 topics)

It from bit

Qubit from bit

The Bloch circle

Do you |ket⟩ it?

The Bloch sphere


Measurement the destructor. What does it mean to measure something in general?  What does it mean to measure something in quantum physics?  Discover the dirty secrets about measurement in quantum computing.


(5 topics)

Bloch party

Randomness rules

Get real

What’s the problem?


How do we represent the programs to be run on quantum computers? After this skill you'll be able to decipher some of the cool diagrams you see in the field.


(5 topics)

Single qubit warm-up

Double the fun

More, more, more!

You, quantum mechanic

Quantum search


Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance." It's not so spooky, but it may be extremely useful! Discover the most quintessential concept in quantum physics.


(5 topics)

Bird’s eye view

Correlations and kets

Creating entanglement

Entanglement in the wild

Variables in hiding

Visualizing entanglement in quantum computers


Why don't we have useful quantum computers yet? Learn what's holding us back through an understanding of how noise and interference affect quantum computers.

NISQy business

Bloching noise

Controlling noise

Error correction


An introduction to the prototypical quantum algorithms that exhibit known speedup over the best classical algorithms.

What is complexity?


Shor’s algorithm

Grover speedups


(5 topics)


Learn all about quantum control and how it is used to create quantum gates and combat noise.

Paradigm shifts


(5 topics)

Making gates

Noise be gone

Quantum optimization


Are you ready for the trenches? This skill pits you against the challenges of programming a real quantum computer — assembly code, compiling, qubit topology, and more!

Gate, set, match


(5 topics)



Quantum optimization

A quantum computing course with the student at the center

Teach how your students learn

Build your course around your students' learning styles with mobile accessibility, a self-paced structure, and social learning

Improve hybrid and remote learning outcomes

Keep students engaged with managed learner communities so you stay connected and see where your students need your help.

Recognize students’ achievements

Reward your students educational accomplishment with an industry recognized certification and shareable microcredentials.

Loved by our community

Amazing for anyone who doesn't have a PhD or a Master's degree like me. It's easy to understand with bite sized exercises and mini tests so you retain knowledge.

Hannaah S
Physics Student

Black Opal for Educators

Supercharge your quantum computing curriculum today

Frequently asked questions

What is Black Opal?

Black Opal is the first interactive online learning platform for anyone interested in learning quantum computing. With Black Opal’s intuitive design featuring visualization, interactivity and animation, you can learn quantum computing in just minutes per day.

Who should use Black Opal for Educators?

Black Opal for Educators is for anyone responsible for developing and delivering quantum computing courses at universities, schools and training providers.

How do I incorporate Black Opal into my course?

Black Opal is a flexible and modular course that can be used as beginner to advanced online textbook or as a supplement to existing course material. The interactive elements and self-paced structure are perfect for students to guide themselves through specific topics. 

Black Opal for Educators incorporates tools to customize content, set assignments, monitor progress and deploy easily to large student cohorts. Contact us for a demo.

How much does it cost?

Black Opal for Educators has a concurrent pricing model designed to best support the needs of educational institutions teaching multiple student cohorts. Get in touch with us to learn more.

I need technical support?

Please submit a request through our contact form.

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