Avoiding an unexpected roadblock in quantum computing - compilation
March 25, 2024
Deliver more value to your customers with fully integrated performance management for quantum computing platforms.
Cost-savings for providers
Improved value for your users
Improved algorithmic accuracy
Quantum computing end-users are seeking maximum quality of service combined with simplicity when choosing a provider.
Q-CTRL Embedded is quantum infrastructure software that integrates effective error suppression technology directly into your platform as a simple, fully automated solution. Building on your existing stack and interface, it offers customers frictionless performance management to deliver the value they demand.
Enable >1,000x greater accuracy, larger quantum volume, and 10x deeper circuits so users invest more, sooner.
Minimize the impact of noise to deliver greater user value.
Help users gain critical insights only available from hardware.
Empower users to expand their application reach and increase quantum investment.
Deliver the best user experience and dominate competitive benchmarks.
Grow your customer base with a simplified user experience and more useful answers.
Deliver a unified experience - eliminate machine-specific configuration burdens on users.
Offer better value to customers for their compute budget.
Adopt world-leading quantum infrastructure software and focus on the things only you can build.
Enable a full performance-augmented experience in just months.
Save money by leaving infrastructure software development to us.
Free up capital to invest in your competitive differentiators.
Integrate our best-in-class AI-driven error suppression pipeline into your hardware and software stack. It’s easy to deploy with little customization required, interoperable with common programming languages, and flexible as a cloud or on-premises installation.
The underlying technology is autonomous and invisible to your end-users, enabling them to focus on their algorithms while obtaining the maximum achievable performance from your devices.
The techniques used in Q-CTRL Embedded are deterministic, giving full performance optimization in a single execution.
They can be combined with any probabilistic error mitigation or quantum error correction techniques seamlessly so your customers can always build from the best platform possible, operating right at incoherent-error limits.
Simplify circuits in a repeatable manner to reduce opportunity for error and remove error-prone gates.
Automatically route around faulty devices leveraging hardware parameters and custom calibrations.
Cancel errors that only appear in circuit execution via embedded and context-aware “dynamic decoupling”.
AI agents design error-resilient gates across your entire system in less than 10 minutes.
Automatically postprocess outputs using proprietary neural network methodology to reduce readout errors.
Put your platform at the heart of a new generation of software-defined quantum data center, compatible with enterprise cloud architectures.
Learn more about how Quantum Infrastructure Software like Q-CTRL Embedded expands convenience, cost-effectiveness, and cross-compatibility of quantum processors to drive enterprise uptake.
Experience Q-CTRL performance-management software on IBM Cloud. Maximize circuit depth and algorithmic performance with no additional cost or configuration required on the Pay-as-you-go plan.
I've benchmarked Q-CTRL's error suppression compared to default performance, and I observed that Q-CTRL increased the likelihood of obtaining the correct answer by a factor of 35! Best of all, it's available without any additional cost, making high-quality quantum computers more accessible and efficient.
The noise suppression provided through Q-CTRL’s performance management makes exploring useful quantum circuits even easier. I very much look forward to what our users will be able to do with this newly added error-suppression technology.
This points to a future where quantum computing becomes more accessible and user-friendly, with complex error suppression handled by integrated software solutions. Where software innovation plays a critical role in harnessing the full potential of quantum hardware, fostering faster advancements in the field.