Unlocking the Power of Quantum Navigation: Lockheed Martin, Q-CTRL, and Partner Awarded Contract
Lockheed Martin and Q-CTRL won a U.S. Defense Innovation Unit contract to prototype a quantum INS, enabling precise navigation without GPS access.
Breakthrough quantum sensing solutions for defense and industry.
Quantum sensors are poised to revolutionize industries from health to minerals to defense.
Our globally unique “software-ruggedized” cold-atom quantum sensors are operational in the real environments you care about. From maritime to airborne applications, our devices go where the competition can’t, letting you gain insights you’ve never had before.
Access the world’s first comprehensive multimode quantum-assured navigation system deployable in real operating environments - underwater, underground, on the ground, in the air or up in space.
Enable previously impossible long-endurance missions
Deploy on moving platforms with proprietary inbuilt software ruggedization
Maximize uptime and cost-efficiency with calibration-free operation
1 mile positioning accuracy
enhanced resilience on moving platforms
Harness a new set of eyes to see the unseen and identify security threats sooner with completely passive, mobile quantum sensing of magnetic and gravitational signatures.
Identify subsurface tunnels and structures with high-resolution
Detect AC and DC magnetic anomalies like those generated from UAVs without revealing your position
Distinguish real targets from platform signals using inbuilt noise rejection
Maximize uptime while remaining hidden with calibration-free operation
detection depth of underground tunnels
improved RF emitter localization
Save millions in minerals exploration by harnessing a new generation of quantum gravimetric and magnetic subsurface mapping solutions.
Identify subsurface mineral deposits from the ground or the air
UAV friendly sensor SWaP
Improve survey efficiency and duration with calibration-free operation
smaller detection capability compared to conventional quantum gravimeter
greater depth detection capability compared to conventional quantum gravimeter
reduced survey cost
Deliver more value from your hardware with fully integrated performance management software
Designed for the most challenging size and power constrained applications, this ultra-compact mobile 3-axis quantum accelerometer is ready to provide breakthrough GNSS free navigation.
Robust sensitivity is achieved in the field through software-ruggedized sensor enhancement.
Tested to the extremes of motion and vibrational platform noise, this technology is the next generation of Inertial Measurement for cutting-edge applications in defense and commercial navigation.
A first of its kind wideband and software-reconfigurable atomic-vapor magnetometer that delivers sensitivity and SWaP specifications ideal for magnetic navigation, mapping, and anomaly detection.
This atomic device responds to ambient magnetic fields, utilizing optical probing to measure geological or man-made features that create unique patterns of magnetic anomalies. It opens the possibility for high-altitude airborne map matching at jet speeds in both manned and unmanned applications.
The world’s first fully mobile dual gravimeter tested in defense field-trials. This industry-leading system achieves world-class performance in motion and under strapdown configuration; software ruggedization suppresses platform noise to enable lab-quality performance in the real world.
This complete quantum sensing system operates on low power (~180W), 10X less than a typical household toaster and 20X lower than a typical laboratory experiment. This breakthrough quantum dual gravimeter can operate in power-constrained settings for the first time, including on battery-powered vehicles at sea, on land, and in the air.
Deliver more value from your hardware with fully integrated performance management software
End-users expect hassle-free performance in real environments - from the clinic to the battlefield. It’s imperative to deliver sensors resilient against the background clutter, interference, and platform noise that normally saps performance.
Our infrastructure software solutions for quantum sensing expand your system’s performance where it counts - in the real world. They are based on the power of Boulder Opal’s validated research tools, integrating autonomy, resilience, and noise rejection directly into your existing hardware and operational software
Our technology is validated on real hardware subjected to the same conditions faced at sea or in the air. Motion testing gives you the confidence you need to know that Q-CTRL’s infrastructure software will deliver when it counts - in the field.
improved imaging area – NV Diamond
increased acceleration sensitivity in dynamic environments – Atom interferometry
improved RF emitter localization – Atomic magnetometry
Quantum sensing leverages quantum mechanics to achieve unprecedented precision and sensitivity in measuring physical quantities. Unlike classical sensing techniques, quantum sensing exploits the unique properties of atoms and particles to provide enhanced performance in a wide variety of sensing applications.
Quantum sensors are used for precise navigation and monitoring of defense and commercial systems. Current and future applications include aerospace, maritime and unmanned vehicles such as self-driving systems.
Our team has extensive experience incorporating quantum sensors into new and existing platforms. Get in touch to discuss how this capability fits into your development plans.
Quantum sensors operate differently from conventional sensors, making them:
This gives quantum sensors an advantage over current sound and light based sensors, which are increasingly susceptible to interference issues.