Use Q-CTRL performance-management software on IBM Quantum services

Maximize circuit depth and algorithmic performance with no additional cost or configuration required.


Increased circuit depth#


Lower compute cost*


Improved algorithmic accuracy#

Unlock the full potential of your IBM Quantum Pay-As-You-Go plan with a single command

End users from research to enterprise are seeking simplified ways to apply quantum computing to their toughest challenges.

The integration of Q-CTRL's error-suppression software with IBM Quantum delivers a simple experience to unlock and maximize the platform's immense potential.

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IBM Cloud
IBM Quantum

Access the best error 
suppression natively integrated into IBM Quantum services

With a single Qiskit Runtime setting, all aspects of performance management are applied directly within the IBM Quantum stack, so you can focus on what matters to you: results.

Behind the scenes, an autonomous error suppression pipeline improves the performance of your algorithm. This unique performance-management option comes with no additional cost or overhead. All of these methods are benchmarked on real hardware, and the results published in peer-reviewed literature.

Simply define your quantum application and see improved results today!

The best tools for error suppression in the industry

Maximize the utility of IBM Quantum systems using AI-driven quantum control techniques natively integrated with Qiskit Runtime.

Step 1

Create a Qiskit Runtime instance with Q-CTRL Performance Management

From the IBM Cloud portal, create a new instance of the Qiskit Runtime service with a Standard plan Q-CTRL Embedded performance management enabled.

Step 2

Copy your API key and Cloud Resource Name

Grab your authentication API key and the created instance's Cloud Resource Name (CRN) from the IBM Cloud portal.

Step 3

Set "q-ctrl" as the channel_strategy

Initialize the QiskitRuntimeService with your API key and the CRN, and set channel_strategy="q-ctrl". Optionally save your credentials to disk for future use.

I've benchmarked Q-CTRL's error suppression compared to default performance, and I observed that Q-CTRL increased the likelihood of obtaining the correct answer by a factor of 35! Best of all, it's available without any additional cost, making high-quality quantum computers more accessible and efficient.

Raymond Beecham
Security Delivery Specialist

We have previously explored Q-CTRL's performance management capabilities and were impressed. With this technology natively embedded within IBM Quantum services, we can get more value from current hardware and push our applications further.

Julian van Velzen
CTIO & Head of Quantum Lab

The noise suppression provided through Q-CTRL’s performance management makes exploring useful quantum circuits even easier. I very much look forward to what our users will be able to do with this newly added error-suppression technology.

Jay Gambetta
IBM Fellow and VP
IBM Quantum

This points to a future where quantum computing becomes more accessible and user-friendly, with complex error suppression handled by integrated software solutions. Where software innovation plays a critical role in harnessing the full potential of quantum hardware, fostering faster advancements in the field.

Andre Konig

Q-CTRL Embedded

Achieve maximum algorithmic
performance on IBM Quantum
Alice & BobAtom ComputingChalmers UniversityIBM QuantumImperial College LondonION QNorthwestern UniversityRigetti