Our users

Quantum newcomers

Engage with quantum technology. Our expert team helps newcomers upskill for the quantum era.

Solutions for newcomers

Get started with the best introductory material in the industry

To help you start your quantum journey, we have assembled best in class video tutorials and webinars in our Learning Center featuring plain-English Foundation topics that provide real insights into the most important topics in quantum computing

Solutions for future quantum programmers and end-users

Access the leading quantum computing learning platform

Learning about quantum technology has traditionally been complex, intimidating, and inaccessible. We are here to change that.

Black Opal replaces lectures and videos with interactive learning modules that help our users to build intuition that makes math easy to understand.

Newcomers can learn key quantum physics concepts and the language of quantum computing at an accelerated pace, in just a few minutes per day.

Our educational technology tool helps anyone go from zero background to programming real quantum computers through interactive animations and expert-developed learning modules - no PhD required.

Solutions for application specialists

Test high-value quantum applications with ease

There’s no better way to learn than to practice on real quantum computers. But errors in hardware have blocked the insights quantum application specialists have been chasing in their tests.

Managing errors in quantum hardware has been an expert’s game; algorithm developers and application specialists have been stuck with inferior performance, slowing them down.

Fire Opal enables application specialists to find true value from quantum algorithms.

Fire Opal is an out-of-the-box solution for minimizing error and boosting algorithmic success on quantum computers.
Now you can get the most out of cloud quantum computers without any specialized knowledge, and zero configuration required.

Get started for free. Simply sign up, install, and run your circuit to experience much better results.

Get started now
Make quantum technology useful
Alice & BobAtom ComputingChalmers UniversityIBM QuantumImperial College LondonION QNorthwestern UniversityRigetti