Black Opal is a revolutionary interactive online learning platform designed to make quantum computing accessible to everyone. Whether you're a student, a developer curious about the field, or represent a business looking to empower your workforce, Black Opal offers an intuitive and engaging learning experience.
Begin with the basics - discover the fundamental physics principles that make quantum computers work in a simple and intuitive way. Then progress to quantum circuits, key algorithms, and even how to program real quantum computers!
So you’ve heard of quantum technology and how it’s going to revolutionize, well, everything. How do we know that and how does it work?
What is quantum computing?
How do quantum computers work?
Will quantum computers break the internet?
How to build a quantum computer
Analogy toolbox
This skill introduces the superposition principle. You'll gain insight into where this principle comes from, why it is necessary, and what you can do with it.
What is quantum computing?
Superposition in a jump rope
Superposition in the quantum world
Superposition in the abstract
Superposition in quantum computing
Start with some fundamentals in how we represent information and by the end of this skill you'll understand how we can encode and process information using quantum physics!
It from bit
Qubit from bit
The Bloch circle
Do you |ket⟩ it?
The Bloch sphere
Measurement the destructor. What does it mean to measure something in general? What does it mean to measure something in quantum physics? Discover the dirty secrets about measurement in quantum computing.
Bloch party
Randomness rules
Get real
What’s the problem?
How do we represent the programs to be run on quantum computers? After this skill you'll be able to decipher some of the cool diagrams you see in the field.
Single qubit warm-up
Double the fun
More, more, more!
You, quantum mechanic
Quantum search
Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance." It's not so spooky, but it may be extremely useful! Discover the most quintessential concept in quantum physics.
Bird’s eye view
Correlations and kets
Creating entanglement
Entanglement in the wild
Variables in hiding
Visualizing entanglement in quantum computers
Why don't we have useful quantum computers yet? Learn what's holding us back through an understanding of how noise and interference affect quantum computers.
NISQy business
Bloching noise
Controlling noise
Error correction
An introduction to the prototypical quantum algorithms that exhibit known speedup over the best classical algorithms.
What is complexity?
Shor’s algorithm
Grover speedups
Learn all about quantum control and how it is used to create quantum gates and combat noise.
Paradigm shifts
Making gates
Noise be gone
Quantum optimization
Are you ready for the trenches? This skill pits you against the challenges of programming a real quantum computer — assembly code, compiling, qubit topology, and more!
Gate, set, match
Quantum optimization
Quantum sensing leverages quantum mechanics to achieve unprecedented precision and sensitivity in measuring physical quantities. Unlike classical sensing techniques, quantum sensing exploits the unique properties of atoms and particles to provide enhanced performance in a wide variety of sensing applications.
Quantum sensors are used for precise navigation and monitoring of defense and commercial systems. Current and future applications include aerospace, maritime and unmanned vehicles such as self-driving systems.
Our team has extensive experience incorporating quantum sensors into new and existing platforms. Get in touch to discuss how this capability fits into your development plans.
Quantum sensors operate differently from conventional sensors, making them:
This gives quantum sensors an advantage over current sound and light based sensors, which are increasingly susceptible to interference issues.