Exams feature makes Black Opal the complete quantum education solution

More than 20,000 learners choose Black Opal’s world-leading quantum education platform for its engaging, interactive way to learn quantum computing. And we’re thrilled to continue making Black Opal an even better experience for learners, teachers, and L&D administrators alike!
This year we have worked hard to meet the needs of enterprise and educational institutions through new features such as Content Assignment and capstone Projects. Today we are excited to make Black Opal a complete quantum education solution with the release of Exams, an automatic assessment feature.
Comprehensive assessment made simple
Learners can now demonstrate their understanding of the entire course with the “final exam” available as a ready-to-go assessment for all enterprise and education users.
The exam features brand new multiple-choice questions covering key concepts throughout the Black Opal course. It also features imagery and animation to remain engaging and accessible even as learners test their knowledge.

Meeting the requirements of quantum workforce education around the world
With the launch of Exams’ automatic assessment capabilities, Black Opal continues to meet the key requirements to deliver a quality quantum education program in a variety of settings. GDIT recently launched an innovative quantum workforce development program with Black Opal incorporating the new Exams feature to enable learners to demonstrate successful achievement of learning outcomes and retention of quantum concepts to bring to their client projects.
Exams is also part of the syllabus rolled out by the Tamil Nadu Skills Development Corporation (TNSDC) in India, the first state in the world to roll out quantum computing education to all technical degree programs. TNSDC has incorporated Exams to meet the final assessment requirements of their curriculum, which, along with Black Opal’s Projects feature, form the two key capstone activities for hundreds of thousands of students.
Administering assessments with ease
Black Opal gives course administrators the tools to conduct exams as they see fit. Exams can be enabled or disabled at specific times, so that you can ensure that they are made available and completed according to an examination schedule. Alternatively, exams can simply be always on so that learners can take them at any time.
Learner progress through exams is continuously saved, so there is no risk of data loss. Students who are disconnected for any reason can simply pick up where they left off. Not only that, but any students who were unable to complete the exam (such as if they ran out of time) will have the portion they have completed submitted, so they receive credit for what they were able to achieve.
Every exam is automatically graded on submission, so a teacher or course administrator can effortlessly deploy the assessment without quantum expertise. Grades are automatically included in Black Opal’s reporting function for simple review.

Discover the turnkey solution for quantum education
With the launch of Exams for all Enterprise and Education customers, Black Opal is the complete solution for quantum education:
- Build an understanding of quantum computing with best-in-class interactive learning modules
- Customize the course to meet learning outcomes with Content Assignment
- Demonstrate practical application of skills to real-world challenges with Projects
- Assess true understanding and intuition with Exams
- Support for all Learning Management Systems and standards to fit in seamlessly alongside existing courses (coming soon!)
Stay tuned for more exciting features for enterprise and educational institutions, including LMS support! Contact us to learn how you can prepare your organization for the quantum era with Black Opal.