Q-CTRL digest

Q-CTRL integrates with QCentroid to enhance quantum optimization workflows for customers

September 24, 2024
Written by
Rowen Wu

Earlier this year we announced integrations linking Fire Opal to the best platforms for quantum application developers in the industry. Now, we’re excited to welcome QCentroid to our network of Fire Opal partners!

The quantum industry is on the cusp of meaningful enterprise applications with utility-scale quantum hardware. The integration of the Fire Opal with the QCentroid Platform accelerates the path to quantum readiness by making it effortless to test algorithms with no-code and API tools and removing the barriers to entry that have blocked broader uptake of quantum computing. The platform’s comprehensive monitoring tools provide real-time insights, allowing users to optimize algorithm performance and manage costs effectively. With an extensive and readily available library of use cases and solvers, such as risk analysis, collateral optimization, EV location placement, and chemistry simulations, QCentroid Platform users can apply Fire Opal to quickly build, validate, and deploy quantum solutions for their real business use cases without friction.

With this new integration, users creating end-to-end quantum computing applications with QCentroid can also gain the best performance when running on real quantum hardware by accessing Fire Opal’s core error suppression software directly through the QCentroid Platform.

Fire Opal is a software package that enables customers to easily run their most valuable quantum applications to achieve meaningful results from real quantum computers. Using AI-driven error suppression, Fire Opal improves the success of algorithms run on real hardware by 1000x, allowing users to scale to large problem sizes, all while abstracting from the details of hardware execution, compilation, and the like.  Fire Opal’s hardware-optimized hybrid quantum optimization solver even abstracts quantum circuits completely while ensuring high-quality results.

By combining a simple application-focused interface with automated performance management, users can focus on the problems they want to solve and achieve better results faster and for lower cost than standard execution.

Configuration on the QCentroid Platform

QCentroid Platform users can try out the Fire Opal integration on any of the ready-to-use problems and ready-to-test solvers available with no additional configuration. When they’re ready to execute, users simply select the Fire Opal provider which links directly to hardware and manage all aspects of execution.

The QCentroid Platform solvers include an option to run the MaxCut optimization problem using Fire Opal’s hardware-aware and fully abstracted optimization capability. Simply input the high-level problem definition of any arbitrary binary optimization problem, and the solver takes care of the rest – from circuit compilation and hybrid-algorithm implementation through to hardware-level error suppression.

You may have seen recent news that this solver set new records for the largest and most complex MaxCut problems successfully solved on gate-model quantum computers – now that capability is directly available to QCentroid users!

QCentroid’s monitoring and visualization tools make it easy to compare how much Fire Opal improved execution time, cost, and performance. Fire Opal is benchmarked to achieve huge performance improvements and compute cost efficiency, and now you can easily validate this yourself across various algorithms.

Explore the benefits of quantum optimization today on the QCentroid Platform

As quantum technology becomes more widely adopted, the need for powerful and user-friendly tools becomes increasingly important. The partnership between QCentroid and Q-CTRL represents a major step forward in making quantum computing more accessible and effective for businesses, researchers, and developers alike. By combining the strengths of both platforms, this collaboration promises to unlock new possibilities in quantum computing, paving the way for innovation and discovery.

Heather West, an analyst at IDC, termed this “frictionless quantum software.”  We’re excited to be removing the friction for end users seeking quantum advantage in partnership with QCentroid!

Schedule a demo or request access today to learn more about how QCentroid and Q-CTRL can accelerate your quantum computing initiatives.