Open beta is open for business

Professor Michael Biercuk, founder and CEO of Q-CTRL, has hit go on the Open Beta stage for Black Opal, our groundbreaking quantum control software package.
We believe in this product and we know you'll love it.
Get with the program
From now until we go live with our full product, our customers will have full, free access to all aspects of Black Opal.
Now you can experience the premium package for free; access our own error-suppressing two-qubit gate solutions and for the first time characterize the noise in your hardware using new protocols designed and developed by Q-CTRL's quantum control engineers.
And as further functionalities come online - such as solutions for Molmer-Sorenson gates and bandwidth-constrained controls - you'll get access to them, too.
"This will let customers decide which suite is most suited to their needs," said Marcin Czyzyk, Head of Product at Q-CTRL. "And it will help us deliver the best product to them in the form they need it.
"Black Opal's Open Beta is publicly available and free. We'll need some of your details to sign up, but this means when our product goes live in the next few weeks, your access will continue without interruption."
You're free to cancel your access anytime. And if you're still not sure at the end of the Open Beta stage, you can roll over into our free trial period.
"We've designed this product with the customer experience front of mind," Professor Biercuk said. "We are now providing some of the most advanced quantum control tools to the public, coupled with world-class visualizations that make the process of designing and deploying the right controls intuitive."
Remember, Black Opal is hardware-agnostic and works with every qubit to reduce decoherence and errors at the physical layer.
Help when you need it
Throughout the Open Beta trial, you can contact us via the Intercom package or email. Normally a Q-CTRL quantum engineer will be in contact with you within 24 hours.
Throughout the Alpha stage, our customers have been helping us improve Black Opal, and we look forward to hearing from you during the Open Beta trial to ensure our product helps you solve many of your toughest problems.
As an acknowledgement of your support, we'll be offering special discounts for Open Beta customers when we go-live with our full product.
Our team is available during the Open Beta to talk you through the sign-on process, help you explore novel control techniques, and even integrate them directly into your hardware. Just contact us and a Quantum Control Engineer will be in touch.