Learn quantum computing anytime, anywhere, on any device with Black Opal

The turn of the New Year is a great time to set new personal and professional goals - some of us are looking to learn new skills while others are considering career options.
Quantum computing is an exciting and thriving industry and offers plenty of opportunities for students, professionals and organizations to get involved - no PhD required!
Black Opal enables anyone to learn quantum computing with an interactive, visual, and modular approach in just a few minutes each day. And we understand that during those precious minutes, bigger screens such as laptops and desktops aren’t always on hand.
So we are now excited to announce that Black Opal has been completely redesigned for mobile! With an entirely new learning experience, you can now work through Black Opal’s industry-leading content and interactive activities from your phone’s web browser.
Completely redesigned for mobile
Black Opal includes more than 350 activities that teach fundamental quantum computing concepts using a wide variety of custom interactions. Our design and engineering teams have optimized each activity for touch, gestures, and a smaller screen. From 3D Bloch spheres to wave simulations demonstrating “spooky” concepts like superposition - it’s all here, available on any device.
A quantum simulator in your hand
Now you can build, manipulate and run multi-qubit circuits in the new, mobile-first circuit simulator.
Tap, scroll, and drag to add and modify gates. Execute circuits in a full quantum simulator optimized for performance in a mobile browser, then inspect results in our intuitive circle notation view, redesigned to fit perfectly on a small screen.

Quantum coding on the go
Program a quantum computer directly from your phone or tablet in Black Opal’s new mobile visual coding environment.
Place lines of code with your fingertips and swipe between code, visualization, and circuit views to connect concepts interactively and easily understand even the most complex quantum algorithms.
When you’re ready to execute, our inspector enables you to tap through each line of code to understand exactly what’s happening with each operation.

Get quantum certified at your convenience
Work towards certification from the comfort of your home or on the go! 🏠🚆☕
Make progress on the device that suits you, or switch between devices and pick up exactly where you left off. Because our mobile experience is browser based, there’s 100% portability from mobile to desktop.
Earn shareable badges for each skill, and pass every challenge to be awarded an industry-standard Quantum Fundamentals certification. Then add certificates and badges to your LinkedIn profile to get professional recognition for your achievements.

Learn quantum computing on mobile today
Black Opal is now available across all your devices using Chrome or Safari browsers on mobile, tablet and desktop. Simply sign up for an account to get started for free, and go from zero background to programming real quantum computers today!