Q-CTRL digest

Enterprise features to prepare your organization for the quantum future

September 29, 2022
Written by
Alex Shih

Quantum computing is a new way to process information using the laws of physics.

This transformational technology has the potential to solve problems that are practically impossible on even today’s supercomputers; it promises to disrupt fields from finance and logistics to cybersecurity and drug development, and many organizations are already seeing huge benefits today!

Building a quantum ready workforce is a critical challenge for enterprises seeking to get ahead of this rapidly emerging industry and gain a strategic advantage.

To empower organizations to work towards their quantum goals, we’ve released new enterprise features that enable admins to manage and track their organization’s progress.

All about the admin portal

Featuring an intuitive and streamlined user interface, the admin portal is a one-stop shop that makes configurations and actions straightforward for administrators.

Manage your organization in one place

Manage users with ease

Perform various user management tasks in one place:

  • Invite individual or multiple users and grant them access to one or more of our products.
  • Transfer ownership from one admin to another user within your organization as needed.
  • Remove inactive or pending users and reallocate their seats to another team member at your convenience with a single click.

Track usage and learning progress

Access detailed usage analytics to track your team’s learning progress and gain actionable insights that drive meaningful learning.

Secure your team with confidence

Data privacy is paramount, that’s why we ensure that all users can secure their accounts with multi-factor authentication methods.

Customize the experience with co-branding

Feature your logo in our products to endorse the achievements of your team and spread the word that your organization is already becoming equipped for the quantum future!

Start building a quantum ready workforce

Kickstart your quantum journey today with our enterprise features and join a growing number of organizations that are already gaining a strategic advantage.

Get in touch with our expert team to get started. We look forward to discussing your enterprise needs!