Boulder Opal Scale Up

Boulder Opal Scale Up

Unleash latent hardware performance

Deliver more value to your customers with fully integrated performance management for quantum computing platforms

Atom ComputingAlice & Bob

Our clients

Chalmers UniversityIBM QuantumImperial College LondonION QNorthwestern UniversityRigetti

<30 min

To calibrate a complete system from cold start to T1 limited gates across all devices on a superconducting processor.


Qubits on a device that can be automatically calibrated in parallel to peak performance.


Reduction in measurement overhead for system characterization on trapped-ion hardware.

Scale up from devices to systems

Scaling hardware poses new and unfamiliar challenges for most research teams - diminishing system performance, bottlenecks from manual processes, and major resource drains.

By combining industry-leading AI tools with direct support from our expert team, you can integrate fully configured solutions into your hardware so calibration and tuneup tasks that took weeks can be reduced to minutes. Watch our hardware demo on an IBM system to learn how you can achieve more - faster than you thought possible.

Everything you need to scale your system from 1 to 100 useful qubits

Combine the power of Boulder Opal with exclusive toolkits, fully configured solutions unique to your hardware, and professional support to get operational at scale.

Automated tune up and calibration

AI-driven experimental scheduling and closed-loop optimization for system-wide tune-up in minutes.

Quantum-logic gate optimization

Closed-loop quantum-logic gate optimization to push all single and multiqubit gates to T1 limits in parallel.

Noise and error characterization

Noise and error characterization to identify the performance limits holding you back and help you predict performance.

Measurement-error mitigation

Efficient measurement-error mitigation customized for your hardware connectivity and readout process.

Custom automation packages

Custom calibration, optimization, and characterization packages to solve your unique challenges.

The power of Scale Up at work

With Boulder Opal Scale Up we work together to help you get operational at scale and move at maximum speed.

Access exclusive tools to scale

Access to specialized Boulder Opal toolkits that solve your most pressing problems system-wide.

Integrate fully configured solutions

World-class experts fully configure Boulder Opal Scale Up for your platform.

Rely on professional support from our experts

Leverage the experience of our team with dedicated support and customization.

Move faster with advanced computation

Accelerate your work with custom configured cloud-compute engines.

Boulder Opal Scale Up

Build the quantum platforms of the future
Alice & BobAtom ComputingChalmers UniversityIBM QuantumImperial College LondonION QNorthwestern UniversityRigetti